Daffodil fields are a must-see at 'Dancing Daffodils'


PRVGC members visited Dancing Daffodils, the first (and only) Pick-Your-Own Daffodil Farm in Connecticut on Earth Day, and were treated to a tour from owner Jen Halfinger. There are just under 100,000 daffodils planted on the property, and this is the fourth season where flowers were available for picking.

The property the daffodils grow on (just under 12 acres) was bought in 2017, and was overgrown with invasive plants and previously installed barbed wire. "It took a a year and half to clear the land," said Jen. Members explored the many rows still in bloom, after an unusual temperature spike the week before advanced many of the flowers' bloom times this growing season. 

The fields were filled with mixtures of daffodils and rows of single varieties, such as 'Ferris Wheel', 'Snowboard' and 'Popeye'.

The farm was named after the William Wordsworth poem, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," which describes the poet recalling his experience with the daffodils. (According to LitCharts, the poem explores the relationship between nature and humanity: "That is, everything that the daffodils represent—joy, playfulness, survival, beauty—'fills' the speaker with 'bliss' and 'pleasure.' In the speaker’s mind, the speaker is again dancing “with the daffodils.'")

Below are some photo highlights from the trip. Members are looking forward to returning next year to see the expanding daffodil fields in bloom.


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